PhD Students
Bld. 2, Lev. 3, sea side, 3254-WS13
Mashael graduated in General Biology from Education College (Saudi Arabia), and has an M.Sc. in biology from King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia). In her project, Mashael aims to understand mechanisms controlling the initial flux of Na+ into plant roots. She is characterizing a gene that may encode voltage insensitive non-selective caption channels (viNSCC) that catalyze Na+ influx into root cells in Arabidopsis and barley.
My research aims at improving crop production in saline environments, particularly in Saudi Arabia. I am interested in understanding the mechanisms that control the initial influx of Na+ into plant roots, which may be facilitated by ion channels. I am
characterizing genes that may encode such an ion channel in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana as well as crop plant barley (Hordeum vulgare).