Magdalena Julkowska

Research Scientists

Research Scientist




Research Interests

I am interested in salt stress physiology and how stress affects plant architecture, starting from the root morphology to the biomass distribution between root and shoot. I have experience in high-throughput plant phenotyping and exploring the data using R, multivariate analysis, GWAS and machine learning approaches, as well as making graphic user interface apps, like MVApp, to enable others to do the same analysis, contributing to open and reproducible science. 

Selected Publications

  • Yveline Pailles, Mariam Awlia, Magdalena Julkowska, Luca Passone, Khadija Zemmouri, Sónia Negrão, Sandra M Schmöckel, Mark Tester, 2020 "Diverse traits contribute to salinity tolerance of wild tomato seedlings from the Galapagos Islands" Plant Physiology
  • Ge Gao, Mark Tester, Magdalena M Julkowska, 2019 "The use of high throughput phenotyping for assessment of heat stress-induced changes in Arabidopsis", bioRxiv
  • Magdalena M Julkowska, Stephanie Saade, Gaurav Agarwal, Ge Gao, Yveline Pailles, Mitchell Morton, Mariam riam Awlia, Mark Tester 2019 "MVApp—Multivariate Analysis Application for Streamlined Data Analysis and Curation" Plant Physiology
  • Magdalena M Julkowska, Iko T Koevoets, Selena Mol, Huub Hoefsloot, Richard Feron, Mark A Tester, Joost JB Keurentjes, Arthur Korte, Michel A Haring, Gert-Jan de Boer, Christa Testerink 2017 "Genetic components of root architecture remodeling in response to salt stress" Plant Cell
  • Magdalena M Julkowska, Huub C J Hoefsloot, Selena Mol, Richard Feron, Gert-Jan de Boer, Michel A Haring, Christa Testerink 2014. “Capturing Arabidopsis Root Architecture Dynamics with ROOT-FIT Reveals Diversity in Responses to Salinity.” Plant Physiology


  • 2005 - 2008 - BSc in Biology, University of Amsterdam
  • 2008 - 2010 - MSc in Green Life Sciences, cum laude, University of Amsterdam
  • 2010 - 2015 - PhD in Plant Physiology, University of Amsterdam

Professional Profile

  • 2019-Present: Research Scientist at the Center for Desert Agriculture KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
  • 2017 - Present: Assistant Feature Editor, Plant Physiology
  • 2015-2019: Postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Desert Agriculture KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

KAUST Affiliations

Prof. Mark Tester's Group

CDA - Center for Desert Agriculture

BESE - Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division

Research Interests Keywords

Salinity tolerance Root architecture Plant Architecture High throughput phenotyping